As you go to the Lord in prayer this week, remember our sick at home, in the hospital, the bereaved and our church. Rev. Martin Foster & Family, Tommy, Nikki King & Riley, our home bound, our Country, Israel, Military Personnel, Linda Raines and family, Louise Young, Dot Seaburg, Jim Culbreth, Jerry & Phyllis Lyerly, Shawn Waters, Marie Kissiah, Misty Alvarado, Shelby Woodrome, Vernon and Janet Doffee, Randall Suber, Addie, family and friends of Russell & Wanda Phillips, Gabriel Boatwright, Rhonda & Ricky Evans, Jackie Wright, Josh Gamble, Freddie Whitener and Michael Sanders. Remember those who are put on the phone tree. Pray for all lost loved ones and special prayer requests of the heart.